The Constitutional Club
Client: The Constitutional Club
Location: Bury St.Edmunds
Duration: 7 Days
Value: £8,000 +
Work: - Removal of Asbestos Insulating Board
AIB has been detected in the basement of this popular constitutional club, located in the heart if Bury St. Edmunds
To start, the AIB was suppressed with a solution of fibre surfactant, applied by low pressure hand pump.
Once the boards were adequately damp, identified by a change in colour and by removing a small sample using shadow vacuum procedures. Further surfactant was applied, where required.
Where some boards had been screwed but the screw heads filled in with polyfilla (or similar) they were located and unscrewed where possible.
If the fixings couldn’t be located or where the boards were nailed or screwed with non - magnetic materials, it was necessary to undertake controlled breakage at the corners.
Prior to the ceiling tile being cut/scored at the corner positions they were taped over to assist the reduction of fibre generation. This was in conjunction with using shadow vacuum procedures.
Once the asbestos containing materials were removed, our operatives carried out the full decontamination of all surfaces within the enclosed work areas using tak rags, hand scrapers, HEPA filtered vacuums and fibre suppression dispensed from manually operated pump up sprays.